Awards Information

Utility of the Future Today: 2021, 2016

UOSA was one of sixty-one public and private utilities from across the U.S., Canada, and Denmark to be selected as an inaugural recipient of the Water Resources – Utility of the Future Today certificate of recognition in 2016. The partners of the Utility of the Future Today (UOTF) Recognition Program celebrate the progress and exceptional performance of the Board and staff who serve UOSA for innovative and forward-thinking practices that are providing sustainable, efficient, and value-added services to their community.

WEF NSmart Platinum Partner: 2022

This level is for WRRFs with a fully implemented nutrient reduction plan and that have an active outreach program. The utility can choose to focus on reducing nitrogen, phosphorus, or both. Tiers are divided based on percent nutrient reduction – Silver 70-84.9%, Gold 85-89.9% and Platinum 90%+ reduction.

WEF NSmart Innovator – Leadership in Nutrient Management: 2022

This recognition is a competition for utilities that are currently in the partner level. The facility can earn additional recognition for innovation related to nutrient reduction. Facilities will be evaluated against one another based on subdivisions of design flow rate. Innovator recognition falls into the categories of Treatment Technology and Leadership in Nutrient Management.

GFOA Certificate of Achievement: 1990 to present

UOSA has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for thirty-five consecutive years.

NACWA Peak Performance Platinum Awards: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Platinum Awards honor treatment facilities that have achieved five consecutive calendar years of complete and consistent compliance of their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

NACWA Peak Performance Gold Awards: 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005

Gold Awards recognize treatment facilities that have achieved 100% compliance of their NPDES permit for an entire calendar year.

NACWA Peak Performance Silver Awards: 2004

Silver Awards recognize treatment facilities that have received no more than five NPDES permit violations per calendar year.

National Environmental Achievement Awards (NEAA): 2022

The National Environmental Achievement Awards recognize individuals and NACWA member agencies that have made outstanding contributions to environmental protection and the clean water community.
UOSA received the 2022 National Environmental Achievement Award for its “Intensification through Densification – Using Hydrocyclone Technology for Improved Settling” study.
UOSA was the only 2022 NEAA recipient, in the country, to get this prestigious award for advancing Research & Technology for the industry!

NACWA Excellence in Management Recognition: 2013

UOSA has received recognition for its Excellence in Management. The Excellence in Management Recognition Program was launched in 2003 to acknowledge the significant achievements of NACWA member agencies in the utility management arena.

Associated Builders and Contractors
Excellence in Construction Eagle Award: 2022

UOSA’s first Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) project, Contract R2D2, (Residential Renovation and Improvements to Building D/2), received the National Excellence in Construction Award for the best environmental project in the nation presented by Associated Builders and Contractors in 2022. The Project generally consisted of improvements to the existing wastewater treatment facilities, sludge digestion system and sludge thickening system. The sludge thickening system consisted of adding two new thickening centrifuges and associated controls/accessories in Building D/2.

National Safety Council Perfect Record Awards: 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004

The Perfect Record Award recognizes companies, units and/or facilities that have completed a period of at least twelve consecutive months without incurring an occupational injury or illness that resulted in days away from work or death.

Virginia Water Environment Association Awards
VWEA Safety Awards
: 2009, 2007

The Virginia Chapter of the American Water Works Association/Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) awards Virginia wastewater treatment facilities that have the most active and effective safety program among the member facilities.

Facility Safety Award: 2018

The VWEA Facility Safety Award is to encourage members to engage in an active and effective safety program in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.